الاثنين، 21 فبراير 2011

امتحان الترجمه فى القانون

World Association of Arab Translators & Linguists
Legal Translation Courses
Legal Translation Exam
( Level One )
From 17 / 11 / 2007 to 23 / 11 / 2007

Full Name :
Full Name in native Language
National of :
Current Domicile :
Position :
E-mail :
Mob :

Please , Copy the above data to your paper sheet .

NB. Kindly, Read carefully and answer all the following questions :

Part I
( A ) : Translate the following terms from Arabic into English ( 20 Marks )
1- عدم جواز الاعتذار بالجهل بالقانون
2- محاكم الاستئناف العالي
3- قانون التحكيم التجاري الدولي
4- مبادئ العدالة الطبيعية
5- الأهلية القانونية
6- الدفوع أمام محكمة النقض
7- العقود التجارية
8- المبادئ الدولية بشان النظام القانوني للبحر
9 – الإجراءات السابقة للحكم .
10- خصومة قضائية
( B ) : Translate the following terms from English into Arabic ( 20 Marks )
1- International case-law
2- Code of conduct
3- Arbitrary deprivation of nationality
4- Rule of Law
5- Pre-trial detention
6- forum domicilii
7- enforcement actions
8- testamentary capacity
9- testimony under oath
10- Criminal Law .
Part II
Translate the following text from English into Arabic ( 25 Marks)

(1)- Civil personality is extinguished by death.
The effect of death upon the rights and obligations of the deceased is determined by law, by contract and by will.

(2)- Implementation of the provisions of this constitution and other laws, defending independence, national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and ensuring the security and defense capability of the country, are the basic duties of the state .

(3) The President takes into consideration the supreme interests of the people of Afghanistan while enforcing the powers stated in this Constitution.
The President cannot sell or bestow state properties without the provisions of law.
The President cannot act based on linguistic, ethnic, religious, political, and regional considerations during his term in office.

(4)- "Victims" means persons who, individually or collectively, have suffered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that are in violation of criminal laws operative within Member States, including those laws proscribing criminal abuse of power.

(5)- If a citizen of Georgia or a stateless person, who does not permanently live in Georgia, commits an offense within the territory of a foreign state, he shall not be extradited to that state, if not otherwise provided by an international treaty, to which Georgia is a party.

Part III
Through your understanding of the legal translation lectures , read the following text and choose" correct " or " incorrect " : ( 10 Marks )

1- The term “liable” , used alone, means liable on conviction upon indictment .
( a ) Correct (b) Incorrect

2- A financial Law is a systematic compilation of laws designed to comprehensively deal with the core areas of private law.
( a ) Correct (b) Incorrect

3- Family law provides the "process" that the case will go through (whether it goes to trial or not). The procedural law determines how a proceeding concerning the enforcement of substantive law will occur .
( a ) Correct (b) Incorrect

4- The person who initiates a lawsuit by filing a complaint is called the plaintiff .
( a ) Correct (b) Incorrect

5- Commercial law is the body of law which governs business and commerce. It is often considered to be a branch of civil law and deals both with issues of private law and public law.

( a ) Correct (b) Incorrect

Part IV
Translate the following article from English into Arabic ( 50 Marks )

Sources Of The Law

SOURCES OF THE LAW - By this expression is understood the authority from which the laws derive their force.

The power of making all laws is in the people or their representatives, and none can have any force whatever, which is derived from any other source. But it is not required that the legislator shall expressly pass upon all laws, and give the sanction of his seal, before they can have life or existence. The laws are therefore such as have received an express sanction, and such as derive their force and effect from implication. The first, or express, are the Constitution of the United States, and the treaties and acts of the legislature which have been made by virtue of the authority vested by the Constitution. To these must be added the Constitution of the state and the laws made by the state legislature, or by other subordinate legislative bodies, by virtue of the authority conveyed by such Constitution. The latter, or tacit, received their effect by the general use of them by the people, when they assume the name of customs by the adoption of rules by the courts from systems of foreign laws.

The express laws, are first, the Constitution of the United States; secondly, the treaties made with foreign powers; thirdly, the acts of congress; fourthly, the Constitutions of the respective states; fifthly, the laws made by the several state legislatures; sixthly, laws made by inferior legislative bodies, such as the councils of municipal corporations, and general rules made by the courts.

The Constitution is an act of the people themselves, made by their representatives elected for that purpose. It is the supreme law of the land, and is binding on all future legislative bodies, until it shall be altered by tho authority of the people, in the manner, provided for in the instrument itself, and if an act be passed contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, it is, ipso facto, void.

Treaties made under the authority of the Constitution are declared to be the supreme law of the land, and therefore obligatory on courts.

The acts and resolutions of congress enacted Constitutionally, are of course binding as laws and require no other explanation.

The Constitutions of the respective states, if not opposed to the provisions of the Constitution of the United States, are of binding force in the states respectively, and no act of the state legislature has any force which is made in contravention of the state Constitution.

Laws are frequently made by inferior legislative bodies which are authorized by the legislature; such are the municipal councils of cities or boroughs. Their laws are generally known by the name of ordinances, and, when lawfully ordained, they are binding on the people. The courts, perhaps by a necessary usurpation, have been in the practice of making general rules and orders, which sometime affect suitors and parties as much as the most regular laws enacted by congress. These apply to all future cases. There are also rules made in particular cases as they arise, but these are rather decrees or judgments than laws.

The tacit laws, which derive their authority from the consent of the people, without any legislative enactment, may be subdivided into; 1st. The common law, which is derived from two sources, the common law of England, and the practice and decisions of our own courts. It is very difficult, in many cases, to ascertain what is this common law, and it is always embarrassing to the courts. In some states, it has been enacted that the common law of England shall be the law, except where the same is inconsistent with our Constitutions and laws.

2d. Customs which have been generally adopted by the people, have the force of law.

3d. The principles of the Roman law, being generally founded in superior wisdom, have insinuated themselves into every part of the law. Many of the refined rules which now adorn the common law appear there without any acknowledgment of their paternity, and it is at this source that some judges dipt to get the wisdom which adorns their judgments. The proceedings of the courts of equity and many of the admirable distinctions which manifest their wisdom are derived from this source. To this fountain of wisdom the courts of admiralty owe most of the law which governs in admiralty cases.

4th. The canon law, which was adopted by the ecclesiastical courts, figures in our laws respecting marriage, divorces, wills and testaments, executors and administrators and many other subjects.

5th. The jurisprudence, or decisions of the various courts, have contributed their full share of what makes the law. These decisions are made by following precedents, by borrowing from the sources already mentioned, and, sometimes by the less excusable disposition of the judges to legislate on the bench.

Good Luck

المجموع الكلي 125 درجة و يضاف 25 درجة للحضور و التفاعل
تحياتي للجميع

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