الثلاثاء، 10 أغسطس 2010

الأحد، 4 يوليو 2010

the best war ever

1. The war age become America’s golden age, a peak in the life society when everything worked and the good guys got a happy ending. It was a great war. For American’s it was the best war ever.
This has Hollywood film age. The original villains were the Nazis & the Fascist . they bullied the democratic politicians.
The American gave material and the Britain until the United States was brought unto the fighting.

The positive aspect that America emerged from the war strong, united prosperous, unrivaled and admired leader of the free world.
The negative Aspect that American’s say that so little social responsibility currently exist in the country “that we wouldn’t fight to win something as important as World War II.

The Era has become a bench mark of excellence in all areas of life. Product were made better and lasted longer. Kids were better behaved and learned more.
The negative Aspect : The myth damage American’s ability to comprehend the World War II. To protect the aircraft against attack by enemies.

In the great depression , America's economic machine seemed to stumble . million were unemployed and million lost hope of improving their lives

In the united states from 1929 -1939 . this period consist of a decline in economic activity (1929-33) followed by a recovery (1934-1939).
With the breaking out of WWII the Americans joint the army to escape from the hard situation
The war was for much prosperous, exciting, even safe change form the ruined and colorless landscape of the depression following the lean Depression years.
The gross national product increased by 60during the war .so the great depression play a role In making WWII the best war ever in American popular imagination
So many people expected the Gulf War of 1991 to lift the country out of incipient depression


The war was reported like a polite social function. The selective process by which only positive aspects of the war received mainstream attention.
The official censor succeeded in putting over the legend that the war was won without a single mistake.
Like when Walter Cronkite filed a report that the eight air force had blindly bombed Germany through solid cloud cover, challenging the myth that all American bombing was pinpoint accurate and hit only military targets his copy was held up.
Movies offered winning combination of escapism and toe tapping patriotism. Hollywood made this into the best war ever. The censors hardly needed to tell the film producers that war movies should showcase American heroism and patriotism and that the enemy must be cruel, devious and unprincipled.

• Ernie Pyle, arguably one of American’s top war reporters admitted that at the front he lost focus on the war; amid the muck and death. The bits and pieces didn’t add up to a grand, proud whole. He had read the magazines from America to get the true picture to recapture the glamour and excitement the myth that when American was killed it was quick and painless. Wounds were clean and healed well. Grisly ending or lingering deaths were saved for the enemy.

Q4 World War 1 helped bring on world war2 in some ways like

1- In the treaty of Versailles after the World War I they placed all the blamed for the World War I on Germany and inflicted penalties on it allowing Hitler to feed off the hatred that this engendered in the Germany when the dictators had maximized their strength the war was about to breakout.
The extremist in Germany sought to overturn the Versailles treaty because they rejected the idea that Germany had been defeated in the World War I.

2. After the World War I there was a result of destruction four imperial dynasties and that created unstable world situation. Destabilization favored the rise of strong men, who would offer release from the fear of anarchy. So between 1917 and 1936 eleven European States chose dictatorship.
The Ottoman empire has sided with unsuccessful central powers in the World War II that empire fell apart. The Western powers particularly Britain was involved adding oversight of a large region including a new Jewish homeland in Palestine British pre-occupation with overseas problems would help distract attention from the growing menace of Hitler.


The First Factory

The survival or Britain was a major factor in Germany's defeats
For Hitler had an enemy on his western flank and enemy that had increasing material assistance for the great manufacturing nation across the Atlantic (USA)

The second factor Hitler's invasion of Russia
Russia was the grave yard of the German army it had lost 1164000 men Axis soldiers attacked aimed at the major productive regions centered on Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad. Gains in territory and captured force were huge by the onset of winter; Russians were prepared for the bitter weather.

The third facto

the relative fighting efficiency of Germany and Japan both underestimating the willpower of their opponents to fight a war to the finish despite crushing defeats
Though the cooperation between the Allies was faulty it was worse between Axis nations
The Nazis knew that the Allies had cracked Japanese codes. But the didn't warn Japan
• Hitler expects military help from his puppel sate, Vichy France, and from Franco's Spain, but he didn't get it.
Nazi German
• was the most responsible for defeating Axis power, because they didn't cooperate with their Allies when the knew that Japanese code was broken but they didn't tell the Japans and they are responsible for two factors of Axis defeat through invasion of Russia and they bombed Britain


The American way of waging war in World War II by inadvertence of condoning military intervention without taking responsibility for knowing what their military machine will do to its targets . So this way has an impact on the American life that the role of the arms industry was growing in the national life. And this suggests that the corporation emerged as a vital symbol of Americanism. That Corporation was seen as an enemy of individualism as result of American’s way of waging war in World War II Federal intervention in all aspects of life was increased by World War II. The ties between the government and business remained after the war ended. So the roles of individual intellect and conscience were diminished.


Adam raised critical issues when discussing the American decision to drop atomic bomb on Japan that nothing would have been lost to the Allies by waiting a further few days and then the peace party would be able to force senior army officers to accept the inevitability of defeat.
The second argument that whether Japan surrendered without either the use of the bombs or an invasion of the home islands scheduled to begin in November.
The third argument that could the bomb have been demonstrated without destroying a city?

The decision to drop the bomb was taken by the President Harry Truman.
What factored into the decision that some Japanese leader still felt that the home islands could be defended and the peace party lacked effective leadership and took passive role.

This reveal that American democracy in the 20th century desire to overcome the axis even this victory in the end hinged upon human death.


The first weakness that junior officers were allowed little freedom of action and were not used to taking command the American army was hierarchical. With rigid caste walls separating the ranks

Because there was less centralized management there was less paper work going up and down the chain of command. The result was that the American army developed a huge clerical staff to handle the enormous bureaucratic flow.
Over management and concern with procedure frustrated sharp responses to problems

The second weakness is that the manufacturing of unprecedented quantities of deadly instrument was accompanied by a naïve attitude on the part of the affected American’s relation with the rest of humanity.

So the American production encouraged a reliance on blanket fire power instead of finesse. American had plenty of ammunition, and his lead to the philosophy a head to save friendly lives and this led to complete ruins.

The third weakness that advertising had inherent problems as and educational tool. It is by nature emotional, rather than intellectual. It sells feelings rather than ideas. The commercials encouraged warm feelings for the terrible weapons.

the myth that world war ∏ was a good war dictate that all future wars must be bad because in ww2 USA did not start attack the others but Japan attacked its port so USA defend her self against this aggressive attack but in Vietnam war the soldiers did not reasonable reason to assault Vietnam
also ww2 was a good war while an American was killed , it was quick and painless . wounds were clean and healed well as the media convinced Americans in its outlet so when they went to Vietnam they found a difficult situation different from that image so the war in Vietnam was a bad war
Some Vietnam veterans realized that movie had misled them about what war would be we continued to think of the films as the way war really was in WW∏ and blamed them for having fought a "bad war" in Vietnam.

Women were resented to present in the male establishment , especially the military establishment , but when male rejected to join the military during the war , the army urged women to join the army and offered to them that women would receive full pay and benefits as soldiers . the army women were praised .but America refuse to place women in battle zone .so most of them were restricted to typically low-level .
The challenges they faced in the two fronts inside and outside that female officer couldn't issue orders to male personnel. Married weren't welcome, and their families were denied dependency allowance. Pregnant soldiers were discharged. Females faced promotion ceiling

In the home front the women faced challenges like some civilians saw these army wives as 'loose' women who 'couldn't get enough' and who should go back home . some guest house owners , fearing for their reputations ,wouldn't allow GI husbands in their wives rooms , so couples had to meet in alleys
Many women tried to do two jobs, one in and one out of the home

Black Americans were the victims of draft discrimination. Black had a lower rate than whites. Black were often denied conscientious objector status; the black Muslim faith was not categorized as a legitimate religion. And these were the challenges they faced on the home front in additional to they were treated as felons, rejected by the community.
The work of the black soldiers was often dirty and dangerous. Black officers could not command white men. Black men and officers could not dine with whites. Several black soldiers were killed or wounded for trying to integrate army facilities.

Even in movies white American were killed painless and quick except the black

In the home front the afro- American saw there was a chance to improve their place in society. That paved the way for civil rights movement of the post war era

Q 12

All of minority groups faced some prejudice from the white majority
Challenges they faced on the home front like some native Americans came home with a confused identity , feeling neither mainstream American nor simply Indian, and had to wrestle with this dilemma a after the war

In the home front the minorities like Japanese – Americans become the focus of fear and hostility after Pearl Harbor . they faced difficult economic situation . they were removed to detention centers in the interior ,suffering millions loss in forced property sales


Assertive patriotism: is to interact with a situation based on your own view that is true
Although you have a poor background about that subject
The American foreign policy always deals with the middle east on this way and American foreign policy tried to adhere the middle east countries to adopt big middle east project to obtain democracy

World War II undermines traditional family values in America. When the movement of millions of people created a breakdown in traditional behavior patterns, which fed a growing anxiety over morality and the integrity of the family. And some people away from the watchful eye of relatives and neighbors did violate hometown mores. Homosexuals found safety and opportunity in the crowds of big cities, using parks and youth hostel. Heterosexual also found greater sexual freedom
Both depression and the war appeared to lessen parental authority

Q 15
I believe that the cold war was inevitable because as what happened after WW І every country, which won the war, wasn't satisfied with what they gained. And every country was looking for ward to obtaining more than they got, and this push the situation towards the WW∏.
Also the every country in Allies wasn't satisfied with its gain.

After WWI their was collapse of some empires and space in the political situation that allowed to some dictators deceive their people and convince them to achieve more profits over the others that happened after WW∏ especially Russia

The democratic countries followed the appeasement policy with the dictators like Hitler but the economic situation pushed Hitler to get more territories to fulfill his people needs. But after WW∏ there was an economic growth that helps to calm the situation
There is something help to shelter to cold war, that massive destruction will happen between the two blocks especially both have nuclear weapon that had a massive destruction in Japan.

الاثنين، 29 مارس 2010


7 Omission of the

A The definite article is not used:
1 Before names of places except as shown above, or before names of people.
2 Before abstract nouns except when they are used in a particular sense;
Men fear death but The death a/the Prime Minister left his party without a leader.
3 After a noun in the possessive case, or a possessive adjective:
the boy's uncle = the uncle of the boy It is my (blue) book = The (blue) book is mine.
4 Before names of meals (but see 3 C):
The Scots have porridge/or breakfast but The wedding breakfast was held in her/other's house.
5 Before names of games: He plays golf.
6 Before parts of the body and articles of clothing, as these normally prefer a possessive adjective:
Raise your right hand. fie took off his coat.
But notice that sentences of the type:
She seized the child's collar.
I patted his shoulder.
The brick hit John's face.
could be expressed:
She seized the child by the collar.
I patted him on the shoulder.
The brick hit John in the face.
Similarly in the passive:
He was hit on the head. He was cut in the hand.

B Note that in some European languages the definite article is used before indefinite plural nouns but that in English the is never used in this way:
Women are expected to like babies, (i.e. women in general)
Big hotels all over the world are very much the same.
If we put the before women in the first example, it would mean that we were referring to a particular group of women.

C nature, where it means the spirit creating and motivating the world of plants and animals etc., is used without the:
If you interfere with nature you will suffer for it.

8 Omission of the before home, before church, hospital, prison, school etc. and before work, sea and town

A home
When home is used alone, i.e. is not preceded or followed by a descriptive word or phrase, the is omitted:
He is at home.
home used alone can be placed directly after a verb of motion, i.e. it can be treated as an adverb:
He went home. I arrived home after dark.
But when home is preceded or followed by a descriptive word or phrase it is treated like any other noun:
They went to their new home.
We arrived at the bride's home.
For some years this was the home of your queen.
A mud hut was the only home he had ever known.

B bed, church, court, hospital, prison, school/college/university
the is not used before the nouns listed above when these places are
visited or used for their primary purpose. We go:
to bed to sleep or as invalids to hospital as patients
to church to pray to prison as prisoners
to court as litigants etc. to school/college/university to study
Similarly we can be:
in bed, sleeping or resting in hospital as patients
at church as worshippers at school etc. as students
in court as witnesses etc.
We can be/get back (or be/get home) from school/college/university.
We can leave school, leave hospital, be released from prison.
When these places are visited or used for other reasons the is necessary:
I went to the church to see the stained glass.
He goes to the prison sometimes to give lectures.

C sea
We go to sea as sailors. To be at sea = to be on a voyage (as passengers or crew).
But to go to or be at the sea = to go to or be at the seaside. We can also live by/near the sea.

D work and office
work (= place of work) is used without the:
He's on his way to work. He is at work.
He isn't back from work yet.
Note that at work can also mean 'working'; hard at work = working hard:
He's hard at work on a new picture.
office (= place of work) needs the: He is at/in the office.
To be in office (without the) means to hold an official (usually political) position. To be out of office = to be no longer in power.

E town
the can be omitted when speaking of the subject's or speaker's own town:
We go to town sometimes to buy clothes.
We were in town last Monday.
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